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Membership Auto-Renewal

AOHNA has implemented a new Membership Auto Renewal program in an effort to make renewal of your AOHNA membership as easy and seamless as possible.  We understand that you are incredibly busy and sometimes these things accidentally fall off your radar!


Please note the following in relation to the auto-renewal program:

  • You will receive a membership renewal reminder notification approximately 45 days in advance of your next years' renewal. 

  • The system will automatically charge your membership renewal on March 1 of the next membership year. 

  • If you do not want to participate in the auto-renewal program, please contact the AOHNA office to request that you be removed from the auto-renewal program. 


Should you have any questions at any time about this new auto-renewal process, please do not hesitate to contact the AOHNA office by email at  

Spread the Word

Let your friends and colleagues know the value of AOHNA membership! Download and share our membership resources: 

Member benefits flyer
Members-only savings outline 

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